Features & Functions.
Take your newsletter marketing to the next level.
Versenden Sie Standardmailings oder versionsierte und absenderpersonalierte Mailings an Ihre Kunden. Bauen Sie ein Mailingnetzwerk in Ihrem Unternehmen auf und arbeiten gemeinsam an
Mailingkampagnen. Erhöhen Sie so die Individualisierung und damit Akzeptanz Ihrer Mailings.
Ob Event-Einladungen, Schulungen, Messeankündigungen oder Updates zur Unternehmensentwicklung – interne Mailings machen in vielen Fällen Sinn. Im Leadz® Communicator können daher alle internen Abteilungen oder Persona eingebunden werden und somit eine effektivere interne Kommunikation gewährleistet werden.
Bilden Sie Ihre individuelle Vertriebsstruktur im Leadz Communicator ab. Binden Sie so Ihren Vertrieb in Ihre Mailingkampagnen ein und ermöglichen eine individuell auf den Kunden zugeschnittene Mailingkommunikation. Steigern Sie dadurch die Kundennähe und erhöhen außerdem die Akzeptanz Ihrer Mailings.
Filialen und Geschäftsbereiche
Vernetzen Sie sich mit Geschäftsbereichen und nationalen und internationalen Filialen Ihres Unternehmens. Bauen Sie so eine professionelle und personalisierte Kommunikation zu Ihren Kunden auf.
Customer Service & Support
Professionalisieren Sie die Service- und Support-Kommunikation Ihres Unternehmens. Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Service & Support-Mitarbeitern die Teilnahme oder die Entwicklung einer Mailingkampagnen, um Ihre Kunden stets auf dem Laufenden zu halten.
Handels- und Vertriebspartner
Vernetzen Sie sich mit Ihren Handels- und Vertriebspartnern. Arbeiten gemeinsam an kollabortaiven Mailingkampagnen. Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Vertriebspartnern, eigenständige Mailingkampagnen zu versenden. Steigern Sie so die Reichweite Ihrer Kampagnen.
Flexibility for your B2B newsletter marketing.
In addition to the standard newsletter dispatch, Leadz Communicator offers numerous options for individualisation and personalisation. This enables you to establish a customised communication to your recipients with a high degree of automation. Your mailings are no longer seen as newsletters, but as a personal communication by employees of your company and thus achieve a higher acceptance.
Many different application scenarios for your B2B newsletter marketing
Leadz® Communicator allows you to set up, manage and send one-dimensional “standard” newsletter campaigns. In addition, you can automatically version newsletters and send them to customers on behalf of departments or personal senders. Leadz® Communicator also offers you the possibility of preparing newsletter campaigns and passing them on to participants in your company network for further processing and dispatch. External partners, such as sales partners and distributors, can also be invited to your newsletter campaigns.
Personalisation of sales communication.
In Leadz® Communicator you have the possibility to map the entire sales structure of your company. This is a function that is otherwise only offered by powerful CRM tools. You can send newsletters with a high degree of automation on behalf of the sales staff and thereby significantly strengthen the sales communication of your company (role dispatch). Furthermore, you have the possibility to let your sales department participate in your newsletter campaigns. You can determine whether only the sales management or the entire sales force has access to your campaigns. In addition, your sales department is able to set up and send its own mailing campaigns.
Optimisation of internal communication
In every company there are numerous departments or groups of people who work on important internal issues. With Leadz® Communicator, you can therefore set up an internal mailing setup tailored to your company. The functions available to you are versatile: take control of all internal mailings. Use the sender personalisation and send internal mailings on behalf of departments or persons (role dispatch). Integrate departments and persons of your company into your mailing network. Work together on internal mailing campaigns. Prepare campaigns and have them processed and sent by departments. Enable your departments to set up and send internal mailings independently.
Strengthening operational marketing communication
Integration and collaboration: Let your business units, departments or branches participate in newsletter marketing and directly contribute to your newsletter campaigns. Invite different business units, departments or international branches to participate in your newsletter campaigns. They can then edit your newsletters, enrich them with their own content and send them to your customers. Also offer business units or branches the possibility to create and personalise their own newsletter campaigns. Each business unit, department and branch can build their own collaborative networks and personalise newsletters down to contact-customer level.
Upgrading customer service
Regular customer service communication noticeably increases the quality of service perceived by the customer and also enables you to cross-sell and upsell effectively. Therefore, Leadz Communicator offers you various options on how to include your customer service in your mailing communication: Take over service communication and send service mailings on behalf of your customer service (role mailing). Prepare mailings and have them processed and sent by your customer service. Let your customer service team create and send their own mailings.
Activation of distribution marketing
Integrate your distribution partners into your newsletter network. Activate and use your distribution network for your digital marketing activities and increase your reach. Use the collaboration option and invite your external partners to your newsletter campaigns. Each partner receives a version of your mailing, which they can edit and send to their customers. Your partner’s logo and sender data are automatically adapted. With Leadz Communicator, your external partners can also create their own mailing campaigns and send them to their customers. Each integrated partner can create several sender personas and mailing lists and thus send mailings in a versioned and personalised way.
Lead management and campaign automation.
Would you like to automate your newsletter marketing? In conjunction with the Leadz Core lead management software, Leadz® Communicator offers you extensive lead management and campaign automation functions. This gives you a powerful marketing platform with which you can control your entire lead management processes automatically.
Your B2B newsletter marketing benefits from this.
Create clever mailing networks and let the entire company participate in newsletter marketing.
Include departments, branches and partners in your newsletter campaigns.
Store your sales structure and send mailings automatically at employee-customer level.
Create different sender personas and send mailings in their name.
Build mailings on your own with a drag & drop editor.
Easy setup and interfacing capability.
Automated newsletter workflows in conjunction with Leadz Core.
Measure performance for each individual campaign.
Get to know the numerous application possibilities.
Leadz Communicator is unique and extremely versatile due to its multi-level architecture. Therefore, the application is predestined for use in different industries, each with their own needs, and enables completely new types of newsletter setups.

Flexible and versatile.
Use the wealth of functions for your newsletter marketing. From multi-level set-up to personalisation options and campaign automation, Leadz Communicator offers you a comprehensive package of functions to activate your operational lead and customer marketing.

For the middle class
Leadz was developed by marketing consultancy TR\D for and with SMEs to provide maximum lead management functionality with minimum staff and resources. This enables effective lead management even for SMEs working with limited marketing teams and resources. This initial situation was and is a central element in the (further) development of Leadz Core. TR\D was awarded as a Top 100 Innovator with Leadz 2020. Leadz Core is the core element of an application and service tool set for online marketing with a focus on sales.
This is what you get.
- Unlimited newlsetter campaigns per month
- 5 instances per account
- Full range of functions Leadz Communicator
- 5000 newsletters per month
- DSGVO compliant multi-level newsletter system
- Flexible network architecture with campaign collaboration
- Drag & drop newsletter creator
- Instance manager
- Role function
- Automatic sender personalisation
- Automatic branding
- Mailing list management
- Mailing list import
- Auto-Unsubscribe
- Statistics
- Mailing library
- External partner integration
- DOI registration processes in connection with Leadz Core
- More…
Mailing Marketing
Leadz Communicator
from 79,00 € / month*
Plus setup costs and fees for additional newsletters according to scale prices.
Marketing Automation & Lead Mgmt.
Leadz Communicator and Leadz Core
+ 199,00 € / month
Link the personalised mailing marketing of Leadz Communicator with the effective lead management and campaign automation functions of Leadz® Core
More effective marketing.
The Leadz Solutions Portfolio.
Discover Leadz’s smart solutions and concepts that help you better reach, identify and serve your target audience.

Leadz Core.
Lead Management Software.
With Leadz Core you can experience how simple and effective lead management can be. Fast onboarding, high data quality, adaptation to your business model and a lot of marketing automation with little resource input make Leadz Core a valuable marketing assistant.
Leadz® Market Maker.
The ultimate Content Marketing tool.
What content is relevant for the target group? Which topics are working best on the web right now? How does their ranking compare to competitors? The Leadz® Market Maker is the ultimate content marketing tool to systematically and sustainably improve your own relevance.
Contact us.
Become part of the Leadz family.
Our newsletter marketing approach suits you? We would be happy to show you what newsletter potential your company has and how you can use it with Leadz Communicator. Just give us a call, make an appointment with our sales team or get started and order a free trial version directly.
+49 (0) 2064 4765-0